Special Darsul Quran
By Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih the II (ra)
Registration and Test


Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih the IInd twice delivered the commentary  of the Holy Quran for one month duration each. Once he explained ten parts and on the other occasion; five parts.

Hadhrat Molvi Qudratullah Sanori Sahib (ra) narrates that he attended both sessions. The Private Secretary to the Khalifatul Masih, Molvi Abdul Rahim Dard Sahib (ra), explained to  him that Huzoor (ra) has divided the class in to two sections; namely, A and B

Section A consisted of highly learned and qualified people, whereas section B consists of all the rest.

Molvi Qudratullah Sahib told the Private Secretary to request Huzoor to make another lower third section of the class, name it C, and to enter his name there. Dard Sahib told him afterwards that while showing the lists to Huzoor, he mentioned Molvi Qudratullah Sahib’s humble request. After listening to this request,  Huzoor struck off his name from section B and himself entered it in the fourth place in  section A instead!


During the Dars, Huzoor explained that every day at the end of the Dars, he would give five questions, each bearing 2 marks. All participants must write the answers and send them in the evening and I will announce the marks obtained by each participant; the next morning.

So that is how it went on. In the morning when Huzoor announced the marks; Molvi Qudratullah Sahib had obtained ten out of ten marks! Whereas Syed Waliullah Shah Sahib ( a learned scholar) obtained nil out of ten. Everyone laughed at this turn of events. Huzoor addressed all present saying that in the company of the Holy Prophet (SAW), his companions would sit spell bound. No one should laugh while attending such a revered class. Then he explained the reason behind the difference between the marks obtained; that Munshi Qudratullah Sahib Sanori had written word for word, as he had heard in the Dars. Whereas Syed Waliullah Shah Sahib had written down his own new interpretations; which was not required. The questions had been asked just to access how much they had learnt from the class.

Preachers to be remembered:

During the Dars when the verse;

اَن تودّالامٰنٰتِ اِلئٰ اھلھا و اِذِا حَکَمتم بین الناسِ اَن تَحکُمُوا بِالعدل

Huzoor explained that commentators of the Holy Quran have assumed that this verse is about  the distribution of trust money. As a matter of fact the word ‘Trust’ means Government in this context.

 He repeated these words three times that; ‘our nazirs(administrators), make a note of it.’ Whenever the government of any country comes under the Jama’at, then it will be the duty of the Nazirs to do research as to who had been the pioneer preacher in that region. If he is alive at the time, then he, otherwise suitable persons from his future generations; be entrusted with the governance of that region/country.

(Pages 200-201, Tajalliyye Qudrat. Edition 2)